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CRP103 ICI Colorectal Cancer Preceptorship


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Epidemiology of colorectal cancer (Global) & Public Health perspectives in cancer control (Dr. Abdu Adem Yesufe), Screening and diagnostic workup for colorectal cancer (Dr. Clifford Chacha), Pharmacology of systemic therapies used in colorectal cancer, mechanisms of action, toxicities and their management (Dr. Winnie Wanjiku), Role of Pathology in colorectal cancer management (Dr. Kibet Kibor), Role of Surgery in the management of colon and rectal cancers (Dr. Jabulani Munalula), Supportive, Palliative, and Survivorship care in Colon and Rectal Cancer Care (Dr. Zippy), Role of radiotherapy in the management of rectal cancer (Dr. Helena Musau), Personalized and targeted therapies in colorectal cancers & summary of recommendations: Standard of care protocols (Dr. Sitna Mwanzi), Evaluation and Treatment approach to advanced colon and rectal cancers (Prof. Dinesh Pendharkar), Hereditary syndromes associated with colorectal cancers, the management of families with these and implications for individual patients (Dr. Kevin Makori), Biosimilars in Colorectal Cancer Management (Dr. David Wata), Research priorities & Clinical Trial Opportunities in Colorectal Cancer in SSA (Prof. Chite Asirwa), Full Course

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